The mythical tale of the adidas Ultra increase begins on a particularly cold day back in January 2015. unveiled by Yohan Blake, David Villa, Sammy Watkins, and a team of elite athletes at a secret location in new York City, absolutely no one knew that they were about to see history in the making. accompanied with the outstanding claim that it was the “greatest running shoe ever”, numerous were quick to question this lofty statement, but five years later it remains true to its word, and here’s why.
At its core, the legendary Ultra increase features a relatively easy design, especially when compared to a lot of running shoes from Nike and ASICS that were already dominating the market. featuring a stretchy upper that provided up a sock-like fit, the wearer’s foot was held in by a TPU cage that was decked out in three stripe branding across the lateral and medial sides. This was then assisted with a heel cup around the back that offered full 360 degree support and stability with every step. While this all sounds pretty damn breathtaking, it really wasn’t anything to write home about. In fact, what made the UB so spectacular was everything that was packed in the bottom half of the shoe.
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While it certainly wasn’t the first time that increase made its grand debut, it was certainly the most memorable time. Unbeknownst to many, the German huge actually released its award-winning cushioning technology two years prior with the energy Boost. A silhouette that made headlines in 2014 when Dennis Kimetto crossed the finish line in world-record time at the Berlin marathon wearing a pair, the hype failed to extend beyond the running community. Without a second to spare, adidas’ top designers headed back to the drawing boards.
The ideal fusion of form and function, not only did the Triple White look good, the tech behind it all was way ahead of its time. A culmination of three of the Herzogenaurach-based company’s newest and greatest sneaker developments including Primeknit, Torsion, and now Boost, this was all stuffed in a sleek and streamlined package that completely improved upon the energy increase in every way, shape, and form. This was all the result of numerous years of research and development and various rounds of testing.
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From NASA’s world-renowned ARAMIS system to crash tests from Boeing and Audi as well as a multitude of vibration analysis and durability studies, the numbers were there to show that the UB was practically ideal for any sort of surface and environment. In fact, statistics showed that it provided 20% much more energy return than its predecessor, and while that may not sound like a lot to the average Joe, it was really unlike anything that we had seen before.
To add to this, it had the advantage that it came about at a time when the sneaker scene was growing at an exponential rate. According to American market research company The NPD Group, the industry grew by 8% in 2015, generating $17.2 billion and marking one of the best performances that it had in years. To put this in layman’s terms, this is about a 40% increase because 2004. It goes without saying then that not only did the Ultra increase sell out, it was selling out so fast that supply simply couldn’t keep up with demand.
“While there was remarkable volatility at the category level, the overall strength of the industry was clearly apparent in 2015.”
– Matt Powell, Vice president and sports industry analyst at The NPD Group
If you thought that the renowned Ultra increase was at its top at this point, you would be wrong, very wrong. fast forward five months from its initial debut, and the “Triple White” made a grand entrance when a certain artist wore a pair on-stage at the billboard music awards and at PowerHouse. through the heavy censorship, smoke, and pyrotechnics, the one and only Kanye West hopped enthusiastically around while rocking the clean cut creps.
Almost immediately, the minimalist colourway shot up to superstardom and sold out absolutely everywhere, with third party marketplaces selling pairs for over £1,000. While this number may sound a bit over-the-top, the thing is, people were actually purchasing them. The hype was certainly real and it wasn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. As Ye once rapped in 2011’s Grammy-nominated, platinum certified view The Throne, “Who gon’ stop me? who gon’ stop me, huh?”
A few months after this game changing event, adidas began to reach out to various brands to collaborate on the running-turned-lifestyle shoe, and kicking it all off was an environmentally friendly partnership with environmental initiative Parley For The Oceans. While the collab is still going strong even half a decade later, it all started with a prototype pair that was limited to just 100 pairs worldwide. The brainchild of British designer Alexander Taylor, it’s crafted from waste plastic माल्दिभ्स वरिपरि महासागरमा स .्कलन गरियो। व्यक्तिले जित रूप मा परिवर्तन गरेन कि कसरी व्यक्ति फुटवेयरका लागि सामग्री प्रयोग गर्छन् कसरी, यसले धेरै दिगो र वातावरणीय मैत्री फेशनको बाटो प्रशस्त पहरायो।
अर्को केही वर्षहरूमा, परिष्कृत, परिष्कृत, परिष्कृत, र एक चार पुस्ताको लागि एक चार पुस्ताको लागि एक चार पुस्ताको लागि अल्ट्राको बृद्धिको लागि अल्ट्राको बृद्धिका लागि अलौकिक बृद्धि गरे। 1.0 बाट सबै तरीकाबाट, तिनीहरू हन्ना, डीएन,, pb, sub, sub, sub, sub, db, sub, sub र लेदरलगायत एक टन विभिन्न पदहरु को पनि शुरू गरे त्यो कार्बनको विधा डिजिटि it डिजिटल प्रकाश संश्लेषण सिन्थेसिटिस टेक्नोलोजीले बनाएको हो जुन शाब्दिक रूपमा प्रकाश र अक्सिजन प्रयोग गर्दछ 3D प्रिन्ट फिग्रान पर्वहरू। यी सबैको आफ्नै छुट्टै सुविधाहरू र कार्यहरू छन् जुन उनीहरूको आफ्नै अधिकारमा स्विच गर्दछ। जर्मन फुटवेयर लेभन पनि दौडिन रनवेमा सर्दै रनवेमा सर्नुहोस्, सयौं अल्ट्रा हाईगन ब्रान्ड र डिस्चार्टीहरू, स्टिन्टाभिन्टका लागि, स्कान्टाविटर नाटकहरू, स्लिम्पेनविरोधी नामाकीहरू छन्। काठ, साथै टोकियोको एटीओओएस, बेपी, कोलोर, र छिमेकको एक विशाल।
“हामीले एडिडास अल्ट्राको विकास भत्काउन विकास गरेका थियौं, तर यसै समयमा हामीले सांस्कृतिक प्रासंगिकता बिना नै विकास गरेका छौं।”
– Matthias Amm, Adidas मा उत्पादन निर्देशक
अल्ट्रा बृद्धि धेरै लामो यात्रा भएको छ किनकि 201 2015 मा यसको नम्र स्थल। ट्र्याक प्रभावित मोडेलको रूपमा जुन विश्वको शीर्ष धावकहरू र एथलीटहरूको लागि बनाइएको सांस्कृतिक आइकनले विकास गरेको छ जुन विश्वको सबैभन्दा महत्त्वपूर्ण घोंस्लाश्वर र फैसलाको लागि विकसित भएको छ । जबकि भर्खरको अल्ट्रा वृद्धि 1 19 र अल्ट्राले बितेपछि मीठो ठाउँलाई पक्कै पनि हिल्हूटले तुच्छ ठान्दैन, यो निश्चित रूपमा यसको जराको जरामा जान्छ।
NYC मा सुरू गरिएको मूल जोडीमा उल्लेखनीय समानताहरू, UB211 ले विगत years बर्षमा सिकेको र सबै कुरा एकै ठाउँमा परिचित छ कि त्यहि समयमा सबै भन्दा फरक छ।
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पूर्ण डिजाइन गरिएको प्राइमकचकिट माथिल्लोको साथ जुन धेरै अधिक हल्का प्रकाशको साथ हो, यो UB19 र UB20 मा परिचय गराइएको एक-टुक्रा केज सेटअप ड्रप गर्दछ जुन हामी सबै जान्दछौं र प्रेम गर्दछौं। एक प्रशस्त हेएल कप बिस्तारै ओर्लूलाई हल्का अँगालोक बनाउँदछ, र तल तल तपाईंले एक इन्फिनकी भागेको सान्त्वना र कुटिदीको लागि उचाईको उचाईमा छ जुन एक शाब्दिक रूपमा अर्को स्तरमा लगिएको छ। जबकि यो अझै आधिकारिक घोषणा गर्न सकिएको छ, यो स्पष्ट छ कि विगतमा अल्ट्रा बृद्धिको भविष्य हो।
201 2015 सम्मदेखि 201 2019 सम्म, एडिडिडा ‘वार्षिक आय एक ग्रेपिंग% 0% ले वृद्धि भएको नाईकको तुलनामा प्रतिस्पर्धी% 0% द्रुत दरमा बढ्दै गयो। यो सबै एक आक्रामक मार्केटिंग प्रविधिको साथ साथै जमिन-ब्रेकिंग उत्पादनहरू जस्तै एडिडास अल्ट्रा बृद्धि जस्ता। केवल years बर्षमा 2 2600% भन्दा बढीको भण्डार मूल्य वृद्धिलाई जुलीले सोचे कि यो सबै पदमा यस छोटो अवधिमा घट्नाले छ भने अर्को years बर्षको लागि के स्टोरमा रहेको छ। के तपाईं स्नीकर खेलको लागि फेरि परिवर्तन गर्न तयार हुनुहुन्छ? हामी निश्चित छौं।
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